Wild Horse Children’s Theater is guided by these key principles: casting all who audition; setting and achieving the highest artistic standards; embracing diversity in our performers, audiences, and staff; and providing a positive, family-friendly, nurturing community. Through the auditions process, we welcome children from all social and economic backgrounds. While we’re dedicated to training each child in the crafts, and skills required for the theatre, paramount importance is placed on the development of each child’s self-esteem and feeling of belonging at this theatre.
No previous training or experience is required to audition for a part in our productions. We also have a technical theater apprentice program for young people who would rather work back-stage in our productions.
As a non-profit organization, WHCT is self-supporting. Like many nonprofit theater companies, we are not able to cover all of our production expenses with ticket sales and membership fees. Our minimal tuition fee allows us to produce the high-quality productions that WHCT is known for and to provide our young actors the opportunity to work with outstanding theater professionals.
Consistent with Wild Horse Children’s Theater’s commitment to our “no child turned away policy”, WHCT established the “In the Wings Scholarship Fund”. We realize the importance of the arts in the lives of every child and scholarships allow us to include any young actor who may not be able to pay tuition fees. You can download a scholarship application here or contact us for more information.